I am completely over this winter weather. Philadelphia has had record breaking (read: freezing) temperatures this year and my style has started to resemble that of the younger brother from A Christmas Story, not cute unless you're a kid. Fortunately I have had wedding planning to keep me occupied, and I must say (at the risk of jinxing myself) that things are going very smoothly in this department! We have already booked our venue (the amazing Terrain at Styer's), found a photographer, commissioned an artist to create our stationary, and that's just the beginning. I have to keep reminding myself to slow down because we still have over a year before the actual day, but I can't help it, I love planning things too much. Perhaps I have missed my calling as a wedding planner?
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Hello Dear! I really like your Blog. You have interesting Posts. Would you like to support each other and follow via Bloglovin and/or GFC? That would be so cool and i hope we stay in touch. :)
Greetings, Sophia xx
Instagram: sophiaton_
Blog: www.sophias-fashion.de
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