blouse vintage
hair needs a brush
This is the current state of my hair: long, tangled, and extra scraggly at the ends. I guess this is not so much the current state as it is the usual. I treated myself to a fancy Mason Pearson brush not too long ago and I've definitely started to use this on a regular basis, but even so my hair still has a mind of its own. No matter how often I brush it out it still twists and turns into this funny, tousled state. There is usually one tiny dreadlock underneath, always in the same exact spot, a result of twisting my hair up into a knot when I'm sick of wearing it down. I keep pondering a semi-drastic change but at the end of the day I feel so tied to my hair in its natural state, despite the imperfection. We'll see if I work up the nerve to go for something different...
you'd look so cute with a little bob!
I think it looks lovely... though as the owner of a barnet that won't behave itself, I can understand what you mean!
I have almost the exact same hair as you! Only I have more curls at the bottom, which is why I can't really brush it because then it looks super weird. But I also have this big dreadlocky effect. So I have to just brush that part. I end up combing it through when I wash it, which takes about 20 minutes before it's completely untangled. It's torture, but I agree with you: it's worth it because our hair sets us apart from others;)
Well, I think it's just beautiful! I love my long hair. I have cut it off, cut it short and I love it long. It sure is a love/hate relationship but I wouldn't change it. You have such pretty locks.
Love, Richelle from Lynn + Lou
Your hair is beautiful! I wish my hair was a bit more into being wild, but it just hangs straight down, always...
But I guess we always want something we don't have, especially in the hair department.
My hair is doing the same thing right now!
I realised a few years ago though that the less i comb or brush my hair, the better it gets. I get a lot less dread locks and tangles when I only brush my hair a few times a week. Weird. My theory is that it's got something to do with static electricity.
Or maybe I just like being lazy and find excuses...
I always get a tiny dreadlock, too. Right at the back of my hair where it rubs on my shirt. If I wear a scarf, the whole underside will be a knotted mess by the end of the day. Yay, long hair!
I think you hair is pretty :)
The Occasional Indulgence
I think your hair looks good as is, though you would probably also look great in a bob. Newer bob styles look good straight or wavy.
Your hair is awesome, but I know people need changes. I also had long hair but I cut them and I do not regret this :)
Ooooh, I love your hair. You'll look great no matter what you do with your hair. Maybe try shoulder-length?
Kate from Clear the Way
That imperfection is what makes you perfect! Love it.
Juliette Laura
this dress is so fab!
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