Photos by Isla!
coat vintage
blouse vintage from stop the clock
skirt vintage borrowed from fancy fine vintage
brooch vintage
hair pom-pom daiso (japanese $1.50 store)
purse thrifted
socks urban outfitters
shoes asos
Oh amazing weather, please don't end! The past few weeks have been a blur of activity: photographing a bunch of lovely new pieces for the shop (including this pretty little skirt, which I only borrowed for the day), scavenging for even more treasures up in wine country with Jen, drinking wine in wine country (ahem), editing millions of photos, attempting to organize the craziness that is my "shop rack" now that it's overflowing with goodies, going on shopping dates with my personal styling clients (yes, I'm for hire!) and all kinds of other busy business. Add to this some unexpected shakiness in the ole' personal life and you've got a recipe for a middle-of-the-movie montage peppered with panicked moments, crazy smiles, tears, jazz hands, and victorious fist pumping in slow motion. Or maybe not so dramatic like that, but you get the point. And I certainly can't complain when things are just getting so damn interesting.
Seriously love every outfit you've ever posted girl. Get yourself over to London sometime and we'll have fun ; ) Saying that...San Fran looks more inviting..you have bare legs! x
Perfect outfit and I love that bag;)
the navy and red is so sweet together, and love the ruffled socks!
Steffys Pros and Cons
I am loving the pom pom! And those shoes....I wish we were the same size. I had so much fun with you inn Monday. Hopefully I get to see you and Isla this evening. I get off work at five and will head back to SF. I should be there around 5:45. xoxo
Sounds like everything is crazy (in a good way, I hope?) I haven't seen you in a minute. I'm off to LA today but I'll see you sooooooon...!
i love your style. so so cute.
OH MY GOD! Those shoes are amazing, did you get them recently? I'm in love!
Wow you look beautiful! I love the fresh and springy colours in this outfit, especially the supercute shoes!
you look just perfect
So romantic and perfect for Spring!
looove pom poms! I have some tied to my bag, 2 pom pom necklaces, and now I want a hair tie too!
it sounds like you are on the right track .. with lots of fun adventures on the way :)! you have the absolute BEST jackets/coats... need them ALL!
you're SO adorable. love this sweet look. xoxo www.rubygirlblog.com
Your outfits are always so amazing! This is one of my absolute favourites! I love everything about it!!
x Aliya
You have the loveliest smile, perfect pairings! <3
I am in utter need of your shoes!
Your past few weeks sound so much more interesting than mine, trapped at home with my illustration deadlines :) I'd have been happily sipping red wine and browsing through pretty vintage racks in bare legs instead! Thank goodness the weekend is almost here ;)
Love the pom poms!!
Such a cute post! & A little bit of scandal is never a bad thing, it keeps you on your toes (:
Lovely outfit and looks great on you! How amazing your photographies are too. I tried to follow you but no GFC? I'll follow you on Bloglovin and twitter! p.s I didn't expect to see "Daiso" on you post. So cool :) xo akiko
Style Imported
Those pom poms are so freaking adorable!
oh man i love this outfit. the pom poms are perfect. i love they way they look on you!
well aren't you just darling!!
I really want to re-create this look! I love it so much Ashley! You are just the cutest lady ever.
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