Monday, February 6, 2012

purikura happiness

An impromptu Japantown adventure the other day turned into, naturally, a purikura marathon! Isla and Annalise were my photo booth partners in crime and I made sure to subject them to the full Pika Pika experience, complete with singing along to all the J-pop songs that play loudly in each booth, putting bows on everything, and working up quite a sweat. I think we were all ready for a nap afterwards. This is serious stuff, guys.


Rosaspina Vintage said...

Pika Pika jealousnesssss!! >_<
Well other than the cuteness overload, this looks like an awesome calorie burner thing! No wonder why you ladies were all ready for a nap afterwards ;)

Teddi said...

how many ways can i say CUTE? :)

The Braided Bandit said...

This looks SO FUN! Adorable

The PvdH Journal said...

oh haha this is brilliant! I don't think I'd seen one of these in ages!


Stephanie said...

These photos are amazing awesomeness

Babes in Thriftland said...

This looks so fun! How do you even choose when there seems to be so many different accessories and backgrounds!

Victory Garden Yarn said...

Oh my goodness, I can't even begin to handle all this cuteness!!! No wonder you gals were in need of naps...

Unknown said...

How fun!!

The Semi Sweet said...

Oh my god, that looks so awesome!!!! You guys must've had a ton of a fun.

Célèste Fohl said...

I haven't seen a Purikura machine since I went to Japan in 2003. I miss it! Wish we had a Japantown here.

Phara said...

Haha, brilliant, these made my day!

Bianca said...

the cutest thing Ive seen all day...also congrats on the benefit cosmetics campaign!