Friday, October 21, 2011

cream + beige

trench coat  thrifted
dress  1950's vintage from ink & lead
brooches  vintage from bohemian bisoux
belt  thrifted
hair tie  a bit of 1930's silk from a flea market
purse  1950's vintage from bohemian bisoux
heels  fletcher by lyell

This 1950's silk dress must be rather lucky because the evening I wore it turned out to be unexpectedly amazing. I won't say how but I will say that I've had a dumb grin on my face for days. My style has been all over the place lately, prim and proper like a 1950's schoolteacher one day and sassily short 1960's garb the next (with the occasional sparkly 1970's gown thrown in just for fun). I love bits and pieces from every era so it's hard for me to avoid being a hodgepodge of many styles. I was destined to be an eclectic magpie since the day I was allowed to dress myself... let's just say that hot pink bike shorts, an armful of plastic bracelets and mismatched polka dots were involved.

P.S. Get 20% off anything from the lovely vintage shop Ink & Lead (where I found this pretty dress) through the end of the month. Just use the code FANCY20!


My said...

The coat, the dress, the head scarf . . . this outfit is perfection!!!

Kitsune-kun said...

beautiful outfit! love all the creams, and that coat looks so good with that dress:)

iris said...

Love the purse:)
Have a lovely weekend!!:)

herecomesthesun said...

Those little mice brooches are adorable!!

Unknown said...

I love that piece in your hair... so fun!


MissKait said...

its good to hear that you had an amazing night in such an amazing dress.
i love the dainty little pattern on the dress too. it's really elegant and classy!

kaitlin xo

mekatsu mekatsu said...

i love love love this whole entire outfit.
my heart melted and I wish I could pull off a look like that!

yanil said...

you look soo pretyy! i have been following for a long time but this is my first comment:)

Unknown said...

i love your fall looks! those mice pins are sooo cute!

<3 steffy

Anonymous said...

I love the simplicity of this outfit ~ plus the adorable mice brooches :3

Zoë, Lion Heart Vintage said...

Another amazing Ashley Outfit! I love how you do your thing, girl. Those mouse broaches are perfectly darling.

Rebeccak said...

oh the pleating on that bodice is sublime! And Yay for unexpected amazing!

LUU H. said...

you look gorgoeus, so plain and simple! and the mice brooches - damn cute!

Ms. Falcon said...

this look is so adorable... all over adorable!

Rosaspina Vintage said...

This is utterly pretty! It's easy to imagine you had a lovely night when you wore it, that delicate silk can make you smile even looking at it ( I remember you tweeting about a cute guy asking you out some days ago? ooooh cheeky, cheeky me ;))

Midwest Muse said...

You are absolutely stunning.

vio said...

love it!

Unknown said...

Those mice brooches are just about the cutest ever! I also adore those lovely pleats on you dress, the orange bow is perfection and I absolutely love your coat!

Teddi said...

i do like the mix of the decades. in one outfit. everything works well together here. i may steal that bow in the hair idea you have in these photos.

Emily Rose said...

totally love this outfit!! your hair with the ribbon looks just adorable, and those mice pins!!