Tuesday, September 20, 2011

new in the shop: dresses!

A few darling dresses for a mini shop update... I'll be listing a lot more during the next few weeks!


Anonymous said...

nice dresses i love it! :)
Love Simple Green

Unknown said...

I love all these. Do you have only one of each? How do you get these, do you look for them in vintage/thrift shops then sell them here? Sorry, new follower here:) Love them all! If you get the chance pass by my blog & say hi! (or just answer my q's! lol)

Glamour Glory
Youtube: reynalay

Anonymous said...

Just a note: firstly, beautiful dresses, I love the rosey one! Secondly, I really appreciate how you honestly say when your clothes are from, be that 1934 or 1999. You really know your stuff when it comes to vintage, and it shows. So many times I have trawled through ridiculously expensive sales and shops where they flog clothes from Target Hot Options, made circa 2003, as vintage because they 'look' old. It shows ignorance and negligence on the part of sellers and it upsets me that so many who claim to be passionate about old clothes are only in it for a quick buck. Maybe I'm getting annoyed over a small thing but your shop is a breath of fresh air when in regards to this. Hope you have a grand day!


Anna said...

the first dress is adorable!! xx

Manding. said...

this is sad. getting rid of all the cutest summer things.

Sorcha said...

That first dress is gorgeous! I love the pattern on the bodice.

It makes me a little sad that the 90s is now considered vintage! I feel old!

Sorcha x
Bonfire Brunette