Monday, September 19, 2011

a brooklyn photo shoot

photos by anna li

One of the highlights of my New York trip was being photographed with Emily by the sweet and talented Anna Li. We shot in Prospect Park during that magical golden hour and frolicked about like children on a sugar high. In fact, we caught the attention of pretty much every little girl under the age of 5 in the park, probably because we looked like fairies in our flower crowns and ruffled vintage dresses. One adorable girl watching us asked her dad if we were little girls too, and another joined us in spinning around and around until we were all dizzy and nearly falling over. The larger photos above were shot on film and the smaller ones are from Anna's Instagram. Now I just need these ladies to come visit me in San Francisco so we can shoot again...


kate gabrielle said...

Oh my gosh, these are GORGEOUS!!

Anonymous said...

So so beautiful!! Your photos always remind me of Marissa Nadler, for some reason... I guess I just imagine her music playing in the background :)

Wear The Canvas said...

I love these! The grainyness of the photos aree great and your styling for the shoot is sooo cute ;)

Sarah Dee said...

Thats so cute that they were asking if you were little girls! Beautiful photos =)

<3 Sarah

cara said...

i love those flower wreaths. such lovely, dreamy photos.

Emily Rose said...

a trip to san fran is needed indeed! this was so much fun, i'm having Ashley withdrawals.

Unknown said...

you both look like little angels! i love the dresses and florals!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

Schnuersenkelrolltreppentod said...

This Photos Are So Magical!

The Bootlace

Manding. said...

love it. so sookie stackhouse. :)

ps, !

Teddi said...

amazement, wonder, & utter delight, a make believe dream come true. breathing in the joy.

callie said...

I love that a girl asked if you were little too! So precious! These photos are really enchanting. They look like paintings that should be hanging in the Musee D'Orsay or something.

The Semi Sweet said...

Beautiful shots!! And I love the story about the little girl:) That was sweet.

birdbaths said...

these remind me so much of david hamilton's photos! really gorgeous.

ps, nice dress :)

<3 Ashley M

birdbaths said...

these photos remind me so much of David Hamilton's work. so gorgeous!

ps, nice dress... :)

<3 Ashley M

Ashley/ MILK TEETHS said...

dream girls.

herecomesthesun said...

Oh do you know what kind of film camera she used? These are so lovely!

Missing Pieces said...

So dreamy!

meredith said...

oh so ethereal! i love the look of these photos! I would love to know what kind of film camera she used too. So beautiful...

kater said...

So gorgeous and perfect I cant even deeeeeeal!

Sea Bird said...

I love when little girls get so excited about pretty dresses and ogle you like you're a living barbie, haha. These photos are absolutely gorgeous!

Unknown said...

these pics totally make me want to play dress up!


Unknown said...

So pretty and dreamy Ashley! You both look lovely!


welove your style!