Saturday, February 5, 2011

shop showcase: house of maryanne vintage

I'm delighted to introduce you to one of my fantastic sponsors, House of Maryanne Vintage. Run by the darling Maryanne Bridges, it's a dress lover's dream shop based in Australia. Maryanne has an eye for the sweetest vintage frocks from every era. I could imagine spending a lot of quality time wearing any of these. And it doesn't hurt one bit that they happened to be modeled by such a sunny, charming blonde! Below are a few interview questions...

What inspired you to launch House of Maryanne?
I have always been a collector of vintage and second hand.  Growing up, I loved that I could buy high quality, high-end fashion, even though I was on a student budget.  Vintage allows accessibility to amazing pieces that would otherwise remain the domain of the wealthy.   I love to see people on the street  (especially uni students) who look like a million dollars, dressed head to toe in vintage.  And that secret smile lets you in on the fact that they still had money over to buy lunch.

What is your favourite vintage purchase? 
I have two amazing beaded shell tops from the 60’s, a collection of 60’s mini shift dresses and a collection of patent 60s Ferragamo ballet flats in a rainbow of colours.  I  LOVE them like they my children.

Is it hard to part with some of your finds?
It is not too hard to part with items when I know that they are going to a happy home.  If a piece has spent a long time in my closet with limited outings, then I know it is time to let her go.  When I used to do the markets, and a customer would come up and treat the clothing roughly, I would gently convince them that these items were not for them.  Now, the feedback that I get from my customers makes it all worth it.  I know that the piece will have a happy home and a whole new life.

Do you encourage people to get to know their local seamstress/tailors? What are the benefits of having clothes tailored to your size? 

I love my sewing machine.  The machine was gifted to me by a very good friend who is a designer.  It was her grandmothers and she learned to sew on it.  I feel the goodness singing out of her every time I sit down to sew.   It is really important to be able to run something in or know where to pop a dart.  Vintage proportions were very different to today’s ladies.   Get a sewing machine, get a couple of classes and get to know how magnificent you can look with a few stitches here and there.

How would you describe the ‘House of Maryanne’ girl?
The House of Maryanne girl loves a compliment.  She loves to tell story behind a piece, pointing out the details and the luscious fabrics.  The House of Maryanne girl loves to make an entrance – be it into a room full of strangers, a cocktail party on her own veranda or into the next room to show her boyfriend.  And She knows that every time she makes an entrance, she will be smiling, confident and comfortable, in her own skin as well as her clothes.

How important is it to support local trade? Do you feel as though you’re doing your part for the environment? 
I am a bit of a closet greenie.  I have my own veggie patch and worm farm, and get my organic veggie box delivered every week.  Sustainable fashion, I think, feels like a natural  progression.  Not Hemp pants and scratchy woollen jumpers.  I am talking about beautiful unique pieces that could have been lost to history forever.  Who could have guessed that eco-friendly clothing could look this good?


Unknown said...

"She loves to tell story behind a piece, pointing out the details and the luscious fabrics."
I love this and the photos.
I would wear every singe dress

Great post!


Marloes said...

Wow, such an amazing webshop. probably the most beautiful I've seen in times....

lauren, curious constellation said...

Wow, I'm going to have to go check out her shop!

Vera said...

oo, that blue print dress is cool

Helga said...

Goodness,what a lovely lass,and such divine frocks.
She seems the kind of girl you would hang out with (and fight over Frragamo's with) if she lived in San Fran.
O,thanks for popping by my blog the other day.That was lovely of you!

Unknown said...

wow, I am loving EVERY look and your entire blog. definitely checking out house of maryanne, and going through your archives! :)


Alexandra said...

Wow,I really like the dresses. I like dressing vintage, not only because prices are much lower, but because these clothes have a history of their own.

alexandra @

PSbyDila said...

Cute dresses, love the white one!

Views by Laura said...

all the dresses ara FAB!!
the long white dress....i'm in love!!

Honor said...

this is very insightful and such lovely clothing