Monday, January 10, 2011

fancy pants

Remember the Fancy Friends feature I did on my friend Jessica? Well, the next one is going to be about my beautiful friend Lauren above. We had an amazing, wine-filled slumber party last night and today I shot a bunch of photos of her adorable apartment and vintage collection. The photos above are from a few months ago, a random morning spent eating greasy food and trolling around the city.

P.S. The winner of the Golden Fur collar giveaway is... drumroll... Cat Bird of Midwest Mayhem! Congratulations, and thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway!


Kathleen said...

You gals are lovely! I'm just falling in love with San Francisco apartments right and left. Every time we take a walk, I find a new "dream home." :)

jEm said...

You guys are too cute! you look like the inverse of one another and I am totally digging it!


Anonymous said...

You both look great and your styling is complementary.

Unknown said...

Am really loving the vintage preppy look at the moment. You both look adorable.

Nadinoo said...

She is a beauty! Look forward to the feature x

Schnuersenkelrolltreppentod said...

lovely outfits!

Anonymous said...

Love those shots against the wall. You both look great! :)

Babes in Thriftland said...

I can't wait to read about her! PS I totally love that skirt you have on :)

Unknown said...

i love those pants! and all the vintage clothes that you show in your blog!

chrysso said...

i adore the pom pom jumper and the little bow shoes. Awesome. ck :) x

Amber said...

those are some fancy pants

joelle van dyne said...

just found your blog through calivintage and i love it! these photos are so cute, and i LOVE the fancy pants. the color and pleating is perfect. ~joelle


you both look lovely!

Lesley said...

i love these photos. she reminds me of a Chole collection. Those beiges, creams, and that long blonde hair. So lovely.

Looks like it was a fun day. :)

Lesley said...

i love these photos. she reminds me of a Chole collection. Those beiges, creams, and that long blonde hair. So lovely.

Looks like it was a fun day. :)

Meg said...

awesome outfits! looks like fun

LUU H. said...

you guys look great! is it any chance that your friend has a blog?