Sunday, October 10, 2010

spooky little girl like you

I love Halloween, which I'm sure is no surprise. Dressing up in something ridiculous for a day? Sign me up! I try to make each costume better and funnier than the last, but now I'm in a bit of a pickle because I may have set the bar too high for myself. I thought it would be nice, in honor of the holiday, to share with you a few of my past Halloween moments (in order). And hopefully I can come up with something worthy of sharing this year!


2005 / David Bowie: Wearing this outfit for one night made me want to dress like this forever and ever. If only I was comfortable wearing pants, I might have gone for it. We took a million photos that night and I'm pretty much making that crazy face and dancing around in every single one. Amazing night.

2006 / Crazy Cat Lady: These photos do not do justice to the awesomeness of that nightgown and robe set. It had cats on it!! It was fun to walk around dressed like this and see the disturbed looks on the faces around me. I stayed in character all evening, so maybe they weren't sure I was even wearing a costume.

2007 / Todd Rundgren (sort of): Okay, so I was supposed to be dressed as Todd Rundgren here, and I think the flamboyant jumpsuit worked but the rest of the look skewed a bit Elton John + creepy little boy from the 70's. But I really, really, really wanted to wear that jumpsuit.


2008 / Halloween Enthusiast: This is perhaps my favorite costume ever. I was going for "crazy suburban mom who loves Halloween too much," and it worked so well that nobody recognized me. And this particular photo (in which I seem to be paying homage to Amy Sedaris) will always bring back the fondest memories. I was even thinking that from now on I would just dress up as a holiday enthusiast every year until I run out of holidays. "Christmas Enthusiast" is a contender for this year's costume, but it's still wide open...

What are you going to be for Halloween?


Jess ♡ said...

HAHAHA Your costumes are hilarious! I love all the little details in every single one :) I'm still undecided, but darn your costumes have inspired me!

Amanda Bowen said...

Wow, these are all so amazing. So many colors in each and every costume!! Last year I had managed to put together a pretty awesome safari/explorer look, with a real pith helmet and everything. This year I'm at a bit of a loss, and am kind of thinking it would be fun to dress up as Vince from Mighty Boosh and then have my boyfriend be Howard. We'll see...

simonesays said...

oh goodness, these are all just too great. I'm going to dress up as a shark, and I really couldn't be more excited.

Helga said...

OMG David Bowie and Crazy Cat Lady rock my world.Too fabulous for mere words.

sydney said...

ALL of these costumes/pictures are amazing! i have no idea what i'm going to be for halloween, because i keep changing my mind! these are all hilarious and great, though. i can't wait to see what you come up with this year!

FutureLint said...

These costumes are all fabulous and you make some great faces! This year I am being a reverse mermaid (fish on top, lady on the bottom)... it's been fun to make so far!

Arielle said...

i think the halloween enthusiast is my favorite

Anonymous said...

well currently i am in a panic because i know not what to be for halloween!

Anonymous said...

the crazy cat lady would be my favorite. The lipstick is so well done.

Coury Combs said...

Haha, I love your expressions in every pic!

Little Monarch said...

hahaha i had a step mum like this. she went hardout and probs enjoyed halloween more than we did. She was evil though and locked my sister in her room and ate all her treats. she must have been a real witch.

Percy Owl said...

Haha - love the crazy cat lady one! Very original. Sometimes I wish we had halloween in australia, but also not because I don't like people begging me for candy :/

Nicola said...

Cat Lady is my favourite! People not knowing whether you're dressing up or not is the sign of a master.

We're not such big Halloween celebrators here, so I've only ever actually been to two Halloween parties since childhood. One I dressed as a TP mummy for, which was a crappy copout but was handy when someone spilled beer on the floor and I rolled in it to mop it up. The other party I dressed as the picture of Dorian Gray, complete with gold cardboard picture frame attached to my top hat. It was amazing if I do say so myself.

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

These all made me laugh so much, so creative. Makes me wish people really did Halloween over here!

Amber said...

that last photo is hilarious, it really does not look like you at all

Jenni said...

These are pretty amazing--I like how you get into character!

HannaElise said...

Wow. I love the halloween enthusiast costume. That turtleneck and vest combo is beyond hysterical. Kudos.

The funniest costume idea my friends and I have come up with so far is dressing up like a night stand and being a "one night stand". Heh.

acute angle said...

these are all AMAZING costumes! very inspiring stuff! Can't wait to see this years!

natalia said...

AWWWESOME. I was Bowie in '08! Here's me and "Freddie Mercury"!

This year I think I might reprise last year's costume: a robot suit made out of cardboard boxes painted silver, with a big heart-shaped antenna on top. I will be the Love Machine.

Louder Than Silence said...

After the lovely soft hues of the post above I was not expecting this!!!

The last picture is absolutely hilarious, I just actually LOLd at my desk! Such a good idea. So good, in fact, that I may have to pinch it!

Sally from Louder Than Silence x

Emily Rose said...

god you are too cute! i can never think of anything good really. or maybe its just that i never have plans for halloween and therefor nothing to dress up for. but this year im going to a quite amazing halloween party of my friends and im in the middle of sewing up my own costume. im going for a harlequin this yea, and i hope the costume comes out well!

Sophie said...

Seriously awesome.

christine said...

ha, I love the Halloween enthusiast. One Halloween my roommate and I were trying to throw a costume together from our own wardrobes and came up with Crazy New Years' Lady. It was great, you should absolutely do that at some point.

Its Me said...

I am absolutely tickled by your costume choices, so inventive ! Its always so difficult to choose a costume and stick with it, they're are just too many grand choices ;)

kater said...

I know this is an older post, but I have to tell you, it had me laughing on the floor! Your face in the one where you are holding the cat is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen! Ahh! <3

Rosaspina Vintage said...

Now I cannot believe my eyes, this is pure genius!
But the creepiest thing I found in these pictures is that my dad had the SAME bow tie!!!?!?!! Oh my goodness. O_O

Teddi said...

completely astonishing in a wonderfully delightful way! rock on.