Vintage dresses are always taking over my apartment, hanging from every available door, closet, nook and cranny. I'm planning on doing a bit of overdue wardrobe purging this weekend and selling a few choice pieces on Etsy in the upcoming weeks, so look out for those soon!
ummm YAY!
Yay! This is good news. =]
Kate from Clear the Way
I would love to have a look through your vintage dress collection. I gasped when I saw these pictures!
This looks like my wardrobe - I just can't help myself when it comes to vintage dresses!
If you are selling any cute little 1960s babydolls....will you email me pleeeease? :)
So many gorgeous dresses!
Oh my, I'm like a kid in a candy shop, looking through these photos! I have a dream one day of making my bedroom into a giant closet- funny, I know- haha. But this is seriously amazing! Alex
Dream wardrobe, *swoons*. xx
What an incredible collection. I'd so love to see them all in person!
your warderobe is pure perfection <3 just sayin!
Your dress collection looks amazing! I will definitely be keeping an eye on your etsy shop!
these dresses are SO pretty!
Oh my. So many gorgeous dresses!
Ahhh I love vintage, your blog is perfect so glad I discovered it! :) <3
❇♥ Blog written by two friends: http://teenagewastelandbyhd.blogspot.com/ ♥❇
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