Saturday, October 15, 2011

a nadinoo date

Last month I had the pleasure of meeting Nadia Izruna, designer of the incredibly adorable label Nadinoo. And, just as I suspected, Miss Nadia was equally as adorable in person! We sang songs at my favorite karaoke haunt, drank crazy cocktails at a magical Tiki bar called Smuggler's Cove, and rambled on about vintage and hot air balloons and everything in between. It's always amazing to finally meet a gal I've admired from afar, especially when some of the loveliest pieces in my closet were made by her talented hands. I only wish she and her sweet husband didn't live on the other side of the world... I'm sure we'd be goofing off together constantly!

I'm sure you guys have already seen photos of Nadinoo's brilliant Autumn collection, but I couldn't resist sharing a few anyways! Nadia can seriously do no wrong. Every single heart-melting collection is the perfect mix of shapes, patterns and colors. Go peek at the blog for updates about when everything will be available... I can't wait to get my hands on one of the dresses!

Nadinoo images from here!


herecomesthesun said...

I'm so in love with everything she makes! So cool that you guys got to spend some time together.

Taylor Kitto / The Little Deer said...

Oh how I love Nadia. She always inspires me. Sounds like you two had lots of fun!

Anja Verdugo said...

Awww I love you guys. SO CUTE

Haha my word verification thing is "hyped"

even the comment box knows this is awesome!

Annalise said...

Lovely photos!! She is such a sweetheart.

Percy Owl said...

You look you had fun!
I absolutely adore her orange dress.
I'm still lusting over the plane-printed dress in her last collection! But I'm loving the intricate patterns in the new one, especially the paisley, so 60s/70s lol.

Cactus Flower Clothing said...

Such gorgeous, timeless clothes!! I held my breath through this whole post. You look as gorgeous as always too! :)

Aya ♥ Strawberry Koi

Daisy said...

Oh gosh, how perfect.. heading over to her blog now !

Rosaspina Vintage said...

Haha I've been looking forward to see these pics and you ladies are sooo cute!
No wonder you had a lovely time, Nadia is simply adorable in person :)
Have a great sunday!

iris said...

I'm so in love with everything she makes too! You seemed to have such a great time together. <3

Unknown said...

gorgeous photos, lovely dresses! Looks like you had so much fun!

Unknown said...

so so so cute! love all your pics, and her collection is marvelous!


p.s. your donut post below made me literally LOL

the wild bunches said...

Love her autumn collection. Can't wait to grab that bird printed blouse! x