Saturday, January 8, 2011

doing stuff & things

Apparently I have a problem closing my mouth in photos. But it's only because I'm so excited about life, guys! A random smattering of photos from: karaoke night, a fun-filled trip to Walgreens, and New Year's Eve. That first photo describes me as a person in a way that no other photo ever will.


Anonymous said...

Great photos! You look so happy and full of life.
I desperately need a tapestry bag, and am a huge fan of you cat-print one! I'm such a cat lady at heart.

Emily Rose said...

i love you in photos, dont ever shut your mouth! i love the muscle man one!

marissa (stylebook) said...

i'm not soliciting, i just really think you need this!:
i'm guilty of owning a cat tapestry overnight bag myself. my boyfriend looked grossed out when he saw me haul it to the car on a recent roadtrip.


great images!
love love love the bag :)

Colourful Buttons said...

Cute photos!


Anonymous said...

you look so happy! very nice!

ailsa said...

you look like a bundle of fun! and you have great hair.

crabbit said...

awww you seem like a really fun person!

Dropstitch said...

That cat bag is hilarious!

Some friends of mine found the perfect matching, mega sized vest when they were op shopping recently.

Here's a photo of them wearing it simultaneously :)