Do you like this beautiful tapestry bag? Good, because one of my lovely sponsors, Vintagetastic, is giving it away to one lucky reader! I think it would look quite nice with a black long-sleeved vintage dress, burgundy stockings and a gray winter coat. It's a wonderful mix of ladylike and bohemian.
Want to win the bag? Please leave a comment with the following:
1.) What is the best Christmas or Hanukkah gift you've ever received?
2.) What is the silliest thing one might find inside your purse?
3.) Your email address!
Good luck to everyone who enters! I will announce the lucky winner on December 28th.
The best holiday gift I've ever received was a surprise flight home (from Switzerland where I was studying) to be with my family on Christmas Day.
Something silly one might find inside my purse is a tiny supply of hot sauce. You never know when you'll find yourself at an impromptu picnic, and in need of hot sauce.
I love the bag! I'd be delighted to win it. xo
the best christmas gift i've ever received was a pair of earrings from my grand-mother. the silliest thing in my purse would have to be a collection of those little candies they give out at restaurants.
I'm in love with this bag! I'll give it a try...
The best gift i've got was the Mad Men comic book my husband gave me with Sinterklaas (kind of a dutch santa). And the silliest thing? Mmmm... one big mess of chewinggum, pencils en receipts. But only once a few times a year. I'll try to keep it clean :)
best christmas present = my puppy Oliver, it doesnt get any cuter than him.
Something silly in my purse = ....a tiny screwdriver, I have it in case my glasses lose a screw or something, it happened to me once so now I am prepared.
Hmmm... best holiday gift: a record player
silliest thing in my purse: a switchblade comb
email: maryvannote (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh, my goodness. I'm not sure I know the best Christmas gift I've ever received... but I can say that what makes the holidays most important to me is my family. They're the most important gift.
I tend to keep my purse pretty cleaned out - I carry my cel, wallet, epi-pen for food allergies, hairbrush, makeup, medicine and pens and pencils to write with.
I absolutely adore that bag, and hope that the winner enjoys it.
gienahghurab [at] yahoo [dot] com
1.) This is a tough one, I feel like each year I'm always so delighted by it all. I guess when I was a teenager and thought it was really badass to have a guitar, and finally got an electric guitar for christmas, I exploded with joy!
2.) My lifesaver mints that I prefer to gum. I don't actually think it's silly, but everyone else does! Also, sometimes I carry around gameboy/ds.
3.) amandanbowen@gmail.com
ps: that bag is AMAZING.
The best holiday gift I ever recieved is the MRI report that said my dad's cancer was dormant and we had a good 5 to 10 years left, not one.
Silly? I don't know actually... I keep it pretty basic: journals, voice recorder, pens, pencils, (i'm in journalism...) lip balm/cell/wallet, old rolls of film, a book or two. Right now I have a big bottle of antibiotics to take, but that's not silly, just sad!
Happy holidays! xo
leilani.grahamlaidlaw (at) gmail.com
The best holiday gift I ever recieved is the MRI report that said my dad's cancer was dormant and we had a good 5 to 10 years left, not one.
Silly? I don't know actually... I keep it pretty basic: journals, voice recorder, pens, pencils, (i'm in journalism...) lip balm/cell/wallet, old rolls of film, a book or two. Right now I have a big bottle of antibiotics to take, but that's not silly, just sad!
Happy holidays! xo
leilani.grahamlaidlaw (at) gmail.com
1. I remember getting amazing Polly Pockets as a kid. They were always shaped like seashells and had slides inside.
2. The silliest thing currently in my purse is little fortune telling cards I got this summer at the Musee Mechanique. I like to pull them out sometimes and see if they were right about anything!
3. nickeecoco@gmail.com
best xmas gift i ever got was a hamster when i was a kid. i cant remember how old i was.. i think like 5! but i names her mrs. claus, for obvious reasons.
and the most random thing you can always find in my purse is a box cutter! i uses one at my job, and so i choose to keep it in my bag when im not working so that i dont forget it when i do go into work, and also because you would be surprised how ofter that thing comes in handy!
it's beautiful, i would love to give it a nice home in my closet.
1. this year i received a plane ticket home to visit my family for 10 days! it was quite unexpected as they live in south carolina and i live in boston.
2. if its a favorite purse then there are always 100 dirty pennies lining the bottom. its really bad.
3. kennedyh213@yahoo.com
the best christmas gift i've ever recieved was a sewing machine. i still use it!
i have a frog shaped flashlight i keep in my purse to scare away racoons when i come home at night. some say silly, i say practical.
1. The best gift I ever received for Christmas was a tambourine! A really nice and loud one *-*
2. The Silliest thing one would find in my purse would have to be little donut and cat stickers..
3. Peonynaturally at gmail dot com
The best Christmas gift I've ever received was my Great- Great- GREAT Grandmother's wedding ring.
The strangest things in my purse right now are two syringes of Influenza vaccination for horses.
The best christmas gift i ever received was a music box with a tiny piano inside it, given from my parents when i was a little kid. It is just very beautiful.
The silliest thing one could find in my purse are old tickets inside my wallet (some are meaningful but most of them i just cant remember why i kept those for so long instead of throwing them away).
My best christmas present ever was a toy horse - a hobbyhorse (is that even the right name?) that my mom made for me herself. I slept with it all the way home in our car christmas night. I think I still have a (unused)condom in my purse from around 1998 or there abouts.. I don't think it'll ever be used but there is something nostalgic about it because everybody hoped to get lucky and so many didn't;) Oh to be young again.. or at least 13/14 again:)
Merry Christmas wishes from Denmark
1.) The best Christmas gift I've ever gotten was when I got my first guitar! It enabled me to finally start writing songs in earnest.
2.) The silliest thing that can be found in my purse is probably the HUGE paddle brush I carry around with me everywhere. First off, the purses I carry are only about medium size, so it definitely takes up the most room in my purse. Second, I have stick-straight, fine hair that barely grazes my shoulders, so why do I even need such a gimongous brush??? I don't know, but I love and need that thing!
3)little.wonder.me@gmail.com! :)
oh wow the best christmas present I've ever gotten... that is a really hard one.. i remember being very excited about Barbie saucers that we got when we were young (for sledding)
The silliest thing in my purse would be plastic chopsticks (i hate the feel of wooden ones)
Hmmm, one year I received a bar of fudge for Christmas. That doesn't sound amazing but it was, because it meant we'd gone away for Christmas and were free of the usual terrorization of gift buying.
Silly things in my handbag would be sets of keys for at least two houses I have never lived in, and one I don't live in any more!
Love this little bag!
One of the best gifts I've ever receieved was a huge chest of dress-up clothes that my mom made and collected for me and my sister.
The silliest thing in my purse right now is probably the HUGE thing of Vaseline + a gazillion chapsticks.
I don't usually get gifts for Hanukkah/Christmas, as I don't celebrate either one. But in general, the most outrageous gift I have received is a head massager. It felt freaky.
The silliest thing in my purse? The random buttons and free samples that I pick up around the mall.
The best gift I received was snow on Christmas day. I live in the middle of Texas and it hardly ever snows (just freezes and hails). My sisters and I always asked Santa to make it snow on Christmas Day, but it never happened. The year I turned 11 it snowed (and snowed and snowed). It was perfect. It never has snowed here on Christmas since, but I will always be reminded of the day our backyard turned into a winter wonderland!
I forgot the second one! The silliest thing you will find in my purse is a pepper-spray keychain. I got it when I graduated from high school because my mom was so afraid I was going to get mugged on campus. Thankfully it has gone unused (so far...)
The best Christmas gift I ever received was a castle (barbie sized) my father (Santa) made for me when I was maybe 6, complete with working drawbridge and turrets. I remember just being in shock for a moment and then jumping up and down like a lunatic.
The silliest thing one might find in my purse is a stash of clementines. I like my vitamin C!
I think the best Christmas gift I've ever received is... Hmmmm... probably the time my mom gave me a manual typewriter. I don't really use it much anymore, but I used it ALL the time when I was a freshman/sophomore in high school.
And I don't think I really keep anything that silly in my purse. Probably this bottle of hand sanitizer with a caribeener on it. I got it for free at my university's health center. It smells awful. But it sanitizes. And it was free.
sophi dot newman at gmail dot com
My best gift was my grandmother's monogrammed set of vintage suitcases that she took on her first train trip from Iowa to California in the 40s!
The silliest thing in my purse is my spy notebook - I always write down intriguing people and things I see.
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